The beer is brewed to be pleasingly tart and refreshing using a traditional kettle souring method, similar to our renowned and award-winning Gose series of beers...
A tart, refreshing wheat ale that is kettle-soured with lactobacillus and brewed with sea salt and coriander, featuring liberal additions of blood oranges.
Copper colored ale is a silky, creamy dream. It's malty, very mildly hopped, & lightly sweet, w/ delicate hint of spice for that oh-so-drinkable, extra velvet.
The refreshing tartness, bright golden-colored ale gives way to earthy undertones & hints of citrus, a slight sea salt-like dryness & tangy, effervescent finish
Born from our passion for experimentation, our Briney Melon Gose boasts a thirst-quenching tartness that is perfectly balanced by subtle watermelon flavors and aromas...
“Huge Arker” is a massive force of nature that detonates on your tongue. After primary fermentation, the beer is aged in Wild Turkey® Bourbon barrels until it fully matures...
With hints of caramel in the nose and a touch of spice, this slightly sweet, malty session ale is conditioned with nitrogen to impart a smooth, creamy texture and the classic “cascading effect” lea...
Hop-Heads, your dreams have come true! This beer starts with a strong floral aroma, which winds into a deep and complex body. In an intriguing balance, honey-drenched malts coat rich hop undertones...
The deep ebony color, voluptuous mahogany head and bold, roasty flavors in our Barney Flats Oatmeal Stout are what serious beer drinkers expect from this style...
Once called the “forbidden rice” as it was reserved only for Chinese royalty, black rice has a powerful anthocyanin antioxidant properties, a luxurious black color and wonderful nutty flavor...
A variation of our classic Solstice ales. Additions of cardamom, star anise, and vanilla create a mélange of sweetness and complexity; while orange peel, ginger
We filled a handful of local Chardonnay “barls” with our Mowkeef Saison, then added fresh raspberries along with our proprietary “wild” culture and allowed the marriage of flavors to begin...
Deep ebony hue with a beautiful mahogany head, an aroma of fresh-baked bread, toffee, and espresso mingling with the woody vanilla notes of Bourbon whiskey.
This copper colored ale is a silky, creamy dream. It’s malty, very mildly hopped, and lightly sweet, with a delicate hint of spice for that oh-so-drinkable.
The refreshing tartness in this divine, bright golden-colored ale gives way to earthy undertones and hints of citrus followed by a slight sea salt-like dryness.
With its deep, dark brown-black color, thick, full-bodied, velvety-smooth mouth feel, mocha character, and, strong yet subtle hop bite, Barney Flats Oatmeal Stout is one of the thickest, richest, a...
After aging for 6 months in Wild Turkey® Bourbon barrels, our flagship Boont Amber Ale develops subtle bourbon aromas and flavors of coconut, vanilla, and oak.
Anderson Valley is famous for its fertile farm land, and it is these farms and their farmers that inspired Mowkeef Saison, our summer installment of the Bahl Hornin’ series...
Similar to the Rosy Barl, this beer was created by aging our Mowkeef Saison in local wine “barls” with fresh peach puree and our proprietary wild Horse Tongue Wheat culture...
Aged for 6 months in Wild Turkey® Rye Bourbon Barrels, aromas of roasted espresso, freshly baked bread, chocolate vanilla notes and hints of black peppercorn.
The refreshing tartness in this divine, bright golden-colored ale gives way to earthy undertones and hints of citrus followed by a slight sea salt-like dryness and tangy, effervescent finish.