Lurago Marinone CO
Pilsner · 5.2% ABV
Pilsner · 5.2% ABV
Pilsner · 5.2% ABV
Dunkles Bock · 7.0% ABV
Fruit Beer · 6.5% ABV
Pilsner · 4.8% ABV
Dunkelweizen · 5.5% ABV
Amber Ale · 6.2% ABV
Sour Ale · 7.5% ABV
Italian Pilsner · 5.1% ABV
Italian Pilsner · 4.2% ABV
Pale Lager · 5.2% ABV
Pilsner · 6.5% ABV
Italian Pilsner · 4.3% ABV
Witbier · 5.0% ABV
Amber Ale · 6.5% ABV
Spiced Beer · 3.8% ABV
Sour Ale · 5.8% ABV
Sour Ale · 7.7% ABV
Flanders Red Ale · 7.5% ABV
Schwarzbier · 6.5% ABV
Sour Ale · 7.5% ABV
Pilsner · 5.8% ABV
Italian Pilsner · 3.7% ABV
Spiced Beer · 4.7% ABV
Sour Ale · 5.3% ABV
Sour Ale · 3.7% ABV
Italian Pilsner · 5.2% ABV
Due to my technical and scientific training and education and to my natural meticulous way of working (let’s face it), producing beer is for me to know the largest possible number of variables influencing the process and possibly to have control of them. The experience of the latter nearly sixteen years of honorable profession supported me confirming that I was right in this view: thousands of “ordinary” details make the difference in the brewing process, such as, for example, in the traditional cuisine. Of course it is important to choose the raw materials and the type of mixture, the yeast, the correct aeration for the wort (must), the temperature of fermentation and maturation, and finally the bottle or the bottler, all subjects far from being simple, but it is even more crucial, if we aim to constancy of the product, the accuracy with which we reproduce every time the brewerys, which is made possible only by a punctual and systematic recording of much data as possible.
By controlling the finished product in an objective way ( i.e. tasting by a group of trained people), we will know the effects of our actions and also notice the intended or incidental changes in the process. The key factor that allows you to apply a counter attack (correction) required to bring the situation back to normal or to make changes trying to improve, consists of the brewer and/or the brewery team technical knowledge. Study, application and research seem to be the first important complement of a brewer. To complete the perfect artisan brewer, as I have been saying for years, you need enthusiasm and creativity! Here we all feel as young apprentices by a great artist workshop, doing eternal apprenticeship learning how to mix colors and how to paint with skill and grace. The creativity and sensitivity, not only do not clash, but are founded on the technical bases. The stronger the latter ones, the more secure and precise is the action that transforms the brewer’s insights, emotions or ideas into marvelous beers