Marrickville NSW, Australia
Saison · 5.5% ABV
American Wild Ale · 5.0% ABV
Sour Ale · 5.6% ABV
Sour Ale · 6.0% ABV
Makers of Australian Wild Ales. We are focused on fermenting our beers with a diverse culture of brewers yeast, wild yeasts and bacteria. Known in the brewing industry as mixed fermentation, we have developed a house culture with yeasts foraged from New South Wales that we experiment with and learn from on a daily basis. Due to our commitment to these types of fermentation, our beer-making process is greatly altered in order to allow these wild yeasts to express themselves in a positive way. Foremost among these practices is the blending of new and old barrel aged beer in order to highlight the complexity in flavour these wild yeasts naturally create. Over time, we will highlight certain aspects of our process and talk about them in great detail, explaining why we do them and what differences they make in our product. These write ups will feature on our blog in an ongoing series.