Oostakker, Belgium
Belgian IPA · 9.0% ABV
IPA · 9.0% ABV
Sour IPA · 6.2% ABV
Belgian IPA · 7.0% ABV
Belgian IPA · 9.0% ABV
Belgian IPA · 9.0% ABV
Double IPA · 9.0% ABV
Double IPA · 9.0% ABV
Double IPA · 9.8% ABV
Double IPA · 9.0% ABV
Belgian Strong Ale · 8.5% ABV
Brewery The Musketeers is a Belgian beer company with headquarters in Oberursel . The beers are brewed by The Proefbrouwerij in Lochristi.
The Musketeers was founded in 2000 by four brewing engineers: Kristof De Roo, Rikkert Maertens, Stefaan Soete Mans and Sven Suys. Their first beer was sold under the name Troubadour Blond, later followed by Troubadour Obscura. In 2010 obtained Brewery The Musketeers gold during the World Beer Cup in Chicago with their Troubadour Blond, in the category "Belgian-Style Blonde Ale or Pale Ale.