We're planning the next few months of Brave New Bar and would love your help figuring out what to focus on.
If you have a few minutes to spare, please take this short survey. If you complete it before 2/25 you'll be entered into a drawing for a $50 Visa gift card.
Thank you so much!
Take surveyNote: last time we did this, about 25% of folks who completed the survey won a gift card, so it's definitely worth the time.
Megan Rickerson is a FL native who owns Someday Bar in Brooklyn, NY. We've previously had her on to talk about how members of the service industry can—and absolutely should—get involved in local politics.
But in this interview Megan provides some personal background and also talks about what Covid and its aftermath were like at Someday Bar, since it's that experience that set her on the track to become so involved with NYC politics.
Here are some takeaways from the convo.
Check out the interview clip for more from Megan, and please check out this Youtube playlist to learn about getting involved in local politics as a member of the service industry:
Watch interview clipBecause prospective customers often check out your website to decide whether or not to come in.
They'll click the "see website" link on their maps app, they'll click the link in your social media bio, or maybe they'll just run a google search for "bars near me."
Regardless, they're getting to your website, and if all they see on your website drink menu is "we have specialty cocktails and craft beer," it's easy for those folks to say "uh, no thanks."
And to be clear: you should keep all your menus—including your rotating beer list—up-to-date on your website.
Even if just a couple people each month are drawn into your place because you're website menu hygiene is on-point, that's totally worth it.
Manually is an option (though not a great one—see below). Here's how the manual flow could work for your team:
👉 But there's a much easier way—you could use an automated Website Menu from BeerMenus. You never have to log in to your website builder to make updates, and you never have to search for beer info like ABV or description. Whenever your selection changes, update your BeerMenus page from anywhere and your website will instantly update (descriptions and timestamp automatically included). Take BeerMenus for a free 14-day spin to try it out: