City Lights Coconut Porter
Porter · 5.3% ABV · ~150 calories
City Lights Brewing Company · Milwaukee, WI
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Beer Description
This Coconut Porter’s bright, pleasing malt character is cradled in a soft, cushiony and smooth mouthfeel that easily glides down the throat with each swallow. Lip-smacking hints of coffee and chocolate readily move across the tongue as the dark body gives up its aromatic coconut roastedness. Northern Brewer and Willamette hops provide a mellow treat. Most fully enjoyed slowly from a City Lights goblet glass which allows the emerging and progressive nutty aspect of this coconut porter to take center-stage at mid-palate. Well-rounded and bursting with flavor, the flavor integrity is maintained until the very end as the exceptional smoothness finishes with a malty expresso finish. The hazy black body gives picturesque support to the ivory-colored foam. At about 5.3 ABV, City Lights Coconut Porter is a fine sessionable libation for any time of the year!

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