Budweiser Budvar Mix
Czech Pilsner · 5.0% ABV · ~170 calories
Budweiser Budvar České Budějovice · České Budějovice, Czech Republic
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Beer Description
Our lager is a beer for true connoisseurs. Noblest female cones of quality Saaz hops, pure virgin natural water and preferably collected grains of unique varieties of Moravian barley make it the drink of true connoisseurs.
700 years long tradition of Budweiser beer and unique, 90 days long maturation period only enhance its uniqueness. Budweiser Budvar lager so you can really enjoy all your senses. First, the eye of a beautiful golden color and rich dense foam, then smell the aroma of fine chmelovému in the palm of your hand to feel frosted glass and finally taste buds enjoy its fine to moderate bitterness. Our lager you already forever engraved in memory.

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