Brouwerij Martens Martens Pils
Pilsner · 5.0% ABV · ~160 calories
Brouwerij Martens · Bocholt, Belgium
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Beer Description
It is a hazy medium golden color, w/ a massive white cloud top head,which retains very well, thick patchy lacing, & numerous streams of slow-rising carbonation.
Tide marks form as the beer is consumed. The aroma has a very prominent noble hops, with strong cracker malt notes, in all, the prototypical Pils aroma. No skunk is evident, as the bottle was protected from light.Crisp hop notes dominate the open, as the taste progresses, sweet pale malt notes rise throughout the taste, although remain a bit subdued. Finishes with a mild, lingering noble hop note. Smooth and fairly full, with aggressive carbonation in your mouth. A well-made example of the Euro Pale Lager style, quite drinkable.

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